hi victim – latest spam tricks
Latest SPAM tricks
In your work, is there anything that would stop you from reaching your goals?
Probably not.
Hackers, or cyber criminals as some call them, are the same way. Their income depends on how successful they are in deceptive campaigns.
Lately we’ve been hearing from many customers about receiving SPAM messages. Some of them open with “hi victim”.
These are more like a ransom note than a SPAM message as they threaten to “expose” you and your activities to all your contacts if you don’t pay them in bitcoin.
As you can see from the above message, they’re assuming the recipient actually views those sites and that you have a camera on your computer.
These message are usually forged to appear to have been sent from your own email address. This adds to convincing you they have taken over your email account.
This second one actually shows you a password they’ve compromised. From my investigation in talking with our customers, the password contained in the email is one that they’ve used. They change it immediately.
However, this attack campaign brings into focus an important point. Never, ever use the same password for different sites. I guarantee the hackers are trying the email address and password on hundreds of websites. If they find another site using those login credentials they won’t be notifying you. They’ll be abusing that account.
Let’s be careful out there…